

名詞+for, in, of, to, with


形容詞+前置詞フレーズ55選を効果的に学ぼう:使い方と覚え方のポイント 英語学習者が形容詞+前置詞フレーズを覚えることは、英語の理解と表現力を向上させる上で非常に重要です。これらのフレーズは、特定の感情、意見、状況を表すのに役立...
動詞+前置詞のフレーズを徹底解説!英語で自然な表現を身につけよう 動詞+前置詞のフレーズ は、英語で正確に意味を伝えるために非常に重要です。動詞と前置詞の組み合わせにより、単独の動詞では表せないニュアンスや意味を表現できるよ...


1. reason for ~の理由
例文: The reason for the delay was bad weather.

2. responsibility for ~に対する責任
例文: He took responsibility for the mistake.

3. demand for ~の需要
例文: The demand for electric cars is increasing.

4. respect for ~への尊敬
例文: She has great respect for her teacher.

名詞+in のフレーズ

5. increase in ~の増加
例文: There has been an increase in demand for electric cars.

6. decrease in ~の減少
例文: There was a decrease in sales last quarter.

7. interest in ~への興味
例文: She has a strong interest in history.

8. trust in ~への信頼
例文: She has trust in her team.

9. confidence in ~への自信
例文: I have confidence in your abilities.

10. difficulty in ~における困難
例文: They had difficulty in solving the problem.

11. participation in ~への参加
例文: His participation in the meeting was essential.

12. success in ~での成功
例文: She achieved success in her career.

名詞+of のフレーズ

13. a picture of, a map of, a drawing of, a photo of
これらの表現は、特定の対象を表す名詞+前置詞 of のフレーズで、何かを表現したり、示したりする場合に使われます。

  • 例文: This is a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
  • 例文: I need a map of New York City to find my way.
  • 例文: She made a drawing of her house.
  • 例文: Here is a photo of my family.

14. advantage of ~の利点
例文: One advantage of this method is its simplicity.

15. cause of ~の原因
例文: The cause of the accident is still unknown.

16. risk of ~のリスク
例文: There is a risk of injury in this sport.

17. lack of ~の不足
例文: There is a lack of water in the area.

18. part of ~の一部
例文: This is part of the plan.

19. amount of ~の量
例文: The amount of sugar in this recipe is too much.

20. result of ~の結果
例文: The result of the test was surprising.

21. habit of ~の習慣
例文: He has a habit of waking up early.

名詞+to のフレーズ

22. access to ~へのアクセス
例文: Do you have access to the internet?

23. answer to ~への答え
例文: She is still waiting for an answer to her question.

24. reaction to ~への反応
例文: Her reaction to the news was surprising.

25. solution to ~の解決策
例文: We need a solution to this problem.

26. invitation to ~への招待
例文: I received an invitation to the wedding.

27. reply to「~に返事をする」
She replied to the email quickly.

名詞+with のフレーズ

28. problem with ~に関する問題
例文: I have a problem with my computer.

29. difficulty with ~に関する困難
例文: They are having difficulty with the project.

30. trouble with ~に関する問題、困難
例文: He had trouble with the new software.

31. experience with ~の経験
例文: She has a lot of experience with children.

32. relationship with ~との関係
例文: He has a good relationship with his colleagues.

33. conversation with ~との会話
例文: I had an interesting conversation with him yesterday.

34. argument with ~との口論、議論
例文: She had an argument with her friend.

35. meeting with ~との会合
例文: I have a meeting with the client this afternoon.


名詞+前置詞のフレーズは、英語において重要な表現の一つであり、場所や時間、原因・結果、関係などを明確に表すのに役立ちます。for, in, of, to, with という5つの前置詞と名詞を組み合わせることで、さまざまな意味や文脈で使うことが可能です。これらのフレーズをしっかりと学習し、実際の会話や文章で活用することで、英語表現の幅が広がり、より自然で豊かなコミュニケーションができるようになります。


前置詞は for, in, of, to, with から選んでください。

  1. She has a lot of experience ____ children.
  2. We need a solution ____ this problem.
  3. There is a lack ____ water in the area.
  4. She is waiting for an answer ____ her question.
  5. One advantage ____ this method is its simplicity.
  6. The result ____ the test was surprising.
  7. I had an interesting conversation ____ him yesterday.
  8. I have confidence ____ your abilities.
  9. Her reaction ____ the news was surprising.
  10. He took responsibility ____ the mistake.
  11. They had difficulty ____ solving the problem.
  12. He had trouble ____ the new software.
  13. The demand ____ electric cars is increasing.
  14. I have a problem ____ my computer.
  15. This is part ____ the plan.
  16. The reason ____ the delay was the bad weather.
  17. She has great respect ____ her teacher.
  18. I have a meeting ____ the client this afternoon.
  19. He has a good relationship ____ his colleagues.
  20. The cause ____ the accident is still unknown.
  21. There has been an increase ____ demand for organic food.
  22. She replied ____ the email quickly.
  23. Do you have access ____ the internet?
  24. I need a map ____ Paris to find my way.
  25. His participation ____ the meeting was essential.
  26. They are having difficulty ____ the project.
  27. She had an argument ____ her friend.
  28. The amount ____ sugar in this recipe is too much.
  29. She achieved success ____ her career.
  30. He has a habit ____ waking up early.
  31. There was a decrease ____ sales last quarter.
  32. The invitation ____ the wedding was beautiful.
  33. I received an invitation ____ the wedding.
  34. I had trouble ____ the new system.
  35. He expressed confidence ____ his team’s ability to succeed.


  1. with
  2. to
  3. of
  4. to
  5. of
  6. of
  7. with
  8. in
  9. to
  10. for
  11. in
  12. with
  13. for
  14. with
  15. of
  16. for
  17. for
  18. with
  19. with
  20. of
  21. in
  22. to
  23. to
  24. of
  25. in
  26. with
  27. with
  28. of
  29. in
  30. of
  31. in
  32. to
  33. to
  34. with
  35. in
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