
動詞+前置詞のフレーズ は、英語で正確に意味を伝えるために非常に重要です。動詞と前置詞の組み合わせにより、単独の動詞では表せないニュアンスや意味を表現できるようになります。しかし、多くの学習者にとって、この組み合わせは難しく感じられることが多いです。覚えるコツは何回か声に出して文章を読み上げて下さい。読み上げることによって音として覚えていきましょう。


形容詞+前置詞フレーズ55選を効果的に学ぼう:使い方と覚え方のポイント 英語学習者が形容詞+前置詞フレーズを覚えることは、英語の理解と表現力を向上させる上で非常に重要です。これらのフレーズは、特定の感情、意見、状況を表すのに役立...
名詞+前置詞のフレーズ35選徹底解説:よく使われる例 名詞+前置詞のフレーズは、英語において非常に頻繁に使われる表現の一つです。これらのフレーズは、場所、時間、原因・結果、目的などを表現するために使われます。今...

1. 動詞+for

動詞+for は、目的や理由を表す場合に使われます。

1. ask for ~を求める
例文: She asked for more information about the course.

2. wait for ~を待つ
例文: They are waiting for the bus.

3. pay for ~の代金を支払う
例文: I will pay for the meal tonight.

4. look for ~を探す
例文: She is looking for her keys.

5. apologize for ~について謝る
例文: He apologized for his rude behavior.

6. search for ~を探す
例文: They are searching for a solution to the problem.

7. blame for ~の責任を負わせる、~を責める
例文: Don’t blame me for your mistakes.

8. prepare for ~の準備をする
例文: We need to prepare for the upcoming exam.

9. thank for ~に感謝する
例文: I want to thank you for your help.

10. hope for ~を望む
例文: They are hoping for good weather this weekend.

11. apply for ~に申し込む
例文: She applied for the job last week.

12. care for ~の世話をする、~を気にかける
例文: She cares for her elderly parents.

2. 動詞+on

動詞+on は、何かに関する行為や関係性、影響を表します。

13. focus on ~に集中する
例文: She needs to focus on her studies.

14. depend on ~に依存する、頼る
例文: The project depends on funding from the government.

15. concentrate on ~に集中する
例文: He needs to concentrate on his work right now.

16. insist on ~を強く主張する
例文: She insisted on paying for dinner.

17. agree on ~に同意する
例文: They agreed on the terms of the contract.

18. count on ~を頼りにする
例文: You can count on me to help you with the project.

19. comment on ~についてコメントする
例文: He commented on the new design during the meeting.

20. work on ~に取り組む
例文: She is working on a new marketing strategy.

21. decide on ~に決定する
例文: We decided on the venue for the event.

3. 動詞+about

動詞+about は、何かについて話したり、考えたりする場合に使われます。

22. think about ~について考える
例文: I often think about my future.

23. talk about ~について話す
例文: We talked about our plans for the summer.

24. worry about ~について心配する
例文: She worries about her health.

25. complain about ~について文句を言う
例文: He complained about the noisy neighbors.

26. learn about ~について学ぶ
例文: I learned about the history of Japan in school.

27. care about ~について気にかける
例文: They care about the environment.

28. know about ~について知っている
例文: Do you know about the new policy?

4. 動詞+of

動詞+of のフレーズは、何かに関連した思考や感情を表現する際に使います。

29. dream of ~を夢見る
例文: He dreams of becoming a doctor.

30. hear of ~のことを聞く
例文: I’ve never heard of that band.

31. think of ~のことを思う
例文: I often think of my childhood.

32. remind of ~を思い出させる
例文: This song reminds me of summer.

33. approve of ~を承認する、認める
例文: Her parents approve of her decision.

34. hear of ~のことを聞く
例文: I’ve never heard of that movie before.

35. take care of ~の世話をする
例文: She takes care of her younger brother.

about と of の違い

同じ動詞でも aboutof を使うと意味が変わる場合があります。以下にその例と違いを説明します。

  • think about think of

think about は、何かについて深く考えたり、検討したりするときに使います。問題解決や将来の計画など、集中して考える場面です。

例文: I’m thinking about moving to a new city.

think of は、頭の中に何かがふと思い浮かんだり、単に思い出すような軽い考えの場面で使います。アイデアが出たり、何かを連想したりする場合に適しています。

例文: When I see the ocean, I think of my last vacation.

  • hear about hear of

hear about は、何かについて詳細な情報を聞く場合に使います。ニュースや誰かの話から知ったことを表します。

例文: Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened?

hear of は、誰かや何かの存在を聞いたことがあるかどうかを表します。特定の事柄や人に関する認知を示します。

例文: I’ve never heard of that author before.

5. 動詞+in

動詞+in は、何かに参加する、または内部での行為を表すことが多いです。

36. participate in ~に参加する
例文: She participated in the conference last year.

37. believe in ~を信じる
例文: Do you believe in ghosts?

38. succeed in ~に成功する
例文: He succeeded in passing the difficult exam.

39. involve in ~に関与させる、巻き込む
例文: She was involved in the new project from the beginning.

40. invest in ~に投資する
例文: He invested in several startup companies.

41. specialize in ~を専門とする
例文: She specializes in environmental law.

42. trust in ~を信頼する
例文: I trust in his ability to lead the team.

43. take part in ~に参加する
例文: He took part in the charity event last weekend.

6. 動詞+into

動詞+into の組み合わせは、何かに変わる、または内部に向かう行動を示します。

44. look into ~を調査する
例文: The company is looking into the issue.

45. run into ~に偶然出会う
例文: I ran into an old friend at the mall.

46. break into ~に侵入する
例文: Someone broke into the house last night.

47. bump/run into ~に偶然出会う
例文: I bumped into my old teacher at the grocery store.

48. crash into ~に衝突する
例文: The car crashed into a tree.

49. turn into ~に変わる
例文: The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.

50. get into ~に入る、~に関わる
例文: He got into trouble for skipping school.

51. divide into は「~に分ける、~に分割する」
The cake was divided into eight slices.

7. 動詞+at

動詞+at の組み合わせは、特定の対象に向けた行為や反応を示す際に使われます。

52. look at ~を見る
例文: She looked at the painting for hours.

53. shout at ~に向かって叫ぶ
例文: He shouted at the children to be quiet.

54. glance at ~をちらっと見る
例文: She glanced at her watch during the meeting.

55. smile at ~に微笑む
例文: He smiled at the baby in the stroller.

56. stare at ~をじっと見つめる
例文: The cat stared at the bird outside the window.

57. point at ~を指さす
例文: The teacher pointed at the map during the lesson.

58. throw at ~に向かって投げる
例文: He threw the ball at his friend.

59. yell at ~に向かって怒鳴る
例文: She yelled at her brother for breaking the vase.

60. laugh at ~を笑う
例文: They laughed at his funny joke.

61. aim at ~を狙う
例文: The archer aimed at the target.

8. 動詞+to

動詞+to のフレーズは、目的や到達点、行動の対象を示します。

62. listen to ~を聞く
例文: I love listening to music when I relax.

63. talk to ~に話しかける
例文: I need to talk to you about the meeting.

64. apologize to ~に謝る
例文: He apologized to her for being late.

65. belong to ~に属する
例文: This book belongs to my sister.

66. speak to ~に話す
例文: Can you speak to the manager about the issue?

67. reply to ~に返事をする
例文: I will reply to your email tomorrow.

68. send to ~に送る
例文: I sent the documents to my boss.

69. introduce to ~に紹介する
例文: I will introduce you to my friends at the party.

70. refer to ~に言及する
例文: He referred to the report during the presentation.

71. admit to ~を認める
例文: He admitted to making a mistake.

72. respond to ~に反応する、返答する
例文: She hasn’t responded to my message yet.

9. 動詞+with

動詞+with のフレーズは、何かや誰かと一緒に行動する、協力する場合に使われます。

73. agree with ~に同意する
例文: I completely agree with you.

74. deal with ~を扱う
例文: He deals with customer complaints.

75. work with ~と一緒に働く
例文: She works with a team of engineers.

76. argue with ~と口論する
例文: He argued with his brother about the chores.

77. help with ~を手伝う
例文: Can you help me with this project?

78. struggle with ~に苦しむ、~と格闘する
例文: She is struggling with her homework.

79. Filled with ~「~で満たされた、~でいっぱいの」
The box was filled with old photos and memories.

10. 動詞+from

動詞+from は、何かからの動作や起点を表す際に使われます。

80. recover from ~から回復する
例文: She is recovering from a cold.

81. suffer from ~に苦しむ
例文: He suffers from severe headaches.

82. prevent from ~を防ぐ
例文: The heavy rain prevented us from going to the park.

83. escape from ~から逃れる
例文: The prisoners managed to escape from the prison.

84. borrow from ~から借りる
例文: She borrowed a book from the library.

85. hide from ~から隠れる
例文: The children hid from their teacher during the game.

86.benefit from ~から利益を得る
例文: He benefited from the training he received at his previous job.






前置詞は for, on, about, of, in, into, at, to, with, from です。

  1. He apologized _______ her for being late.
  2. He admitted _______ making a mistake.
  3. They care _______ the environment.
  4. She borrowed a book _______ the library.
  5. He succeeded _______ passing the difficult exam.
  6. They laughed _______ his funny joke.
  7. She is struggling _______ her homework.
  8. I sent the documents _______ my boss.
  9. The project depends _______ funding from the government.
  10. She looked _______ the painting for hours.
  11. The car crashed _______ a tree.
  12. They are hoping _______ good weather this weekend.
  13. She glanced _______ her watch during the meeting.
  14. We talked _______ our plans for the summer.
  15. He apologized _______ his rude behavior.
  16. The box was filled _______ old photos and memories.
  17. Do you believe _______ ghosts?
  18. She cares _______ her elderly parents.
  19. I need to talk _______ you about the meeting.
  20. She insisted _______ paying for dinner.
  21. He argued _______ his brother about the chores.
  22. He threw the ball _______ his friend.
  23. She participated _______ the conference last year.
  24. The heavy rain prevented us _______ going to the park.
  25. He referred _______ the report during the presentation.
  26. They are searching _______ a solution to the problem.
  27. She took care _______ her younger brother.
  28. She works _______ a team of engineers.
  29. He succeeded _______ passing the difficult exam.
  30. I often think _______ my future.
  31. She yelled _______ her brother for breaking the vase.
  32. The children hid _______ their teacher during the game.
  33. He deals _______ customer complaints.
  34. I will reply _______ your email tomorrow.
  35. The caterpillar turned _______ a butterfly.
  36. He benefited _______ the training he received at his previous job.
  37. She smiled _______ the baby in the stroller.
  38. She invested _______ several startup companies.
  39. They laughed _______ his funny joke.
  40. I often think _______ my childhood.
  41. The cake was divided _______ eight slices.
  42. He admitted _______ making a mistake.
  43. I completely agree _______ you.
  44. I need to talk _______ you about the meeting.
  45. She glanced _______ her watch during the meeting.
  46. We talked _______ our plans for the summer.
  47. They care _______ the environment.
  48. She works _______ a team of engineers.
  49. They are searching _______ a solution to the problem.
  50. He shouted _______ the children to be quiet.
  51. She yelled _______ her brother for breaking the vase.
  52. I will reply _______ your email tomorrow.
  53. He threw the ball _______ his friend.
  54. The children hid _______ their teacher during the game.
  55. He referred _______ the report during the presentation.
  56. She invested _______ several startup companies.
  57. She smiled _______ the baby in the stroller.
  58. He deals _______ customer complaints.


  1. to
  2. to
  3. about
  4. from
  5. in
  6. at
  7. with
  8. to
  9. on
  10. at
  11. into
  12. for
  13. at
  14. about
  15. for
  16. with
  17. in
  18. for
  19. to
  20. on
  21. with
  22. at
  23. in
  24. from
  25. to
  26. for
  27. of
  28. with
  29. in
  30. about
  31. at
  32. from
  33. with
  34. to
  35. into
  36. from
  37. at
  38. in
  39. at
  40. of
  41. into
  42. to
  43. with
  44. to
  45. at
  46. about
  47. about
  48. with
  49. for
  50. at
  51. at
  52. to
  53. at
  54. from
  55. to
  56. in
  57. at
  58. with
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